Sunday, November 18, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A msg to Geo Team from Mir Ibrahim Rahman.

Dear TeamGEO,
In another attempt to curb the philosophy of GEO Aur Jenay Do, a “media free zone” bowed down against the pressure of the Pakistani Government and suspended GEO News throughout the world. Already we were the only network whose entertainment based channels were banned in Pakistan through cable. This is a dark time for all of us at TeamGEO and also for Pakistan. We have nurtured these channels with your dedication and commitment to make a difference. Inshallah we will make every effort to keep them alive and strong.
This is the time for unity and great responsibility. We need to talk to each other and keep our morale high and spread our message to has many people as possible. YOU.... ARE..... GEO! You must dessiminate the message and our story.
This Group is known for being able to take pressures and does not give in to threats and intimidation.
We will jointly arrive at decisions as to our future course of action and Insahllah emerge from this crisis stronger and more united. Even now there will be a no underhand deals with the government without taking all stakholders in confidence.
Even during these tough and emotional times we must remember our core values and purpose. We are not for or against anyone....still. The single most important thing we have been fighting for and will continue to do so is....tolerance. Tolerance for ideas, questions, opinions, people, institutions, mistakes, intentions...
Remember our viwers will be with us and even the aggressors will realize our intentions and message....and they will be ashamed and.....we WILL be back.

Sir Utha Kay GEO!,
Mir Ibrahim Rahman (MIR) CEO, GEO TV